Gamification: Making Training A Game

Gamified Quiz - EI-Design            We all have experienced various forms of training that has ranged from downright boring to exciting. What makes training exciting and engaging?

            Asha Pandey recognizes that “recognition and rewards are the top 2 things that motivate employees” and asks then “why leave them out of learning strategies?” Pandey is excited to discuss gamification in the article 5 Killer Examples on How Gamification in the Workplace Is Reshaping Corporate Training. (Pandey, 2017)

            Gamification is the integration of gaming elements in eLearning to create a highly effective and engaging learning experience. Gamified eLearning courses typically have a storyline, and features challenges, rewards, and analytics. (Pandey, 2017)

           EI Design notes that gamification uses typical elements to create the gamification experience:

1) challenges (mapping to learning objectives)
2) levels (learning path)
3) instant feedback (to aid progress)
4) scores or points (to impart a sense of accomplishment and gratification)
5) badges (for significant achievements)
6) leaderboards (for analytics)
7) competition (to access where the learner stands against his/her peers)
8) collaboration (when multiple teams play) (Pandey, 2017)

            Pandey provides five different levels and/or different examples of gamification:
  • Level 1: Partial Gamification
  • Example 1: Gamified quiz
  • Level 2: Game-Based Learning
  • Example 2: Compliance course on social engineering converted into a board game
  • Level 3: Gamified Learning Path
  • Example 3: Gamified product training
  • Level 4: Gamified Portals
  • Example 4: Learning portal with gamified quizzes
  • Example 5: A complete gamified learning experience (Note: Pandey omits Level 5 and only provides Example 5) (Pandey, 2017)

            The bank that I worked at uses gamification to help employees learn banking regulations and how to file customer complaints to improve customer service. Admittedly, I found that the training was entertaining and kept me engaged as I progressed through the modules which included filling my gas tank up by answering questions correctly.

Game Based Learning - EI Design

            I agree with Pandey that gamification is the new frontier of training for keeping employees engaged and ensures knowledge retention. We learn to enjoy games as children and as adults we continue to enjoy games as well; therefore, gamification is a perfect invention to make training fun and exciting for employees.

Works Cited

Pandey, A. (2017, October 24). eLearning Industry. Retrieved from eLearning Industry:
EI Design Are You Ready? picture:
LOGO Security Bait picture:


  1. I'm very intrigued by the learning games that the bank you worked at used to train employees on regulations, customer service, and complaints. Do you feel this type of training was more effective at teaching employees the basics of those job functions, as opposed to traditional learning tactics? Why or why not?


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